The RVACG was organized in 2009 as a school / community garden through a Creativity Grant with the River Valley School District. In the autumn of 2015, the RVACG became an independent entity. The Village of Spring Green graciously allowed the RVACG to find a new home in an open parkland in the 900 block of Westmore on the northwest side of the Village. The site is approximately 2 ½ acres of tillable land. In 2016 the Gardens became an incorporated entity. In 2017 the RVACG became a 501c4 tax-exempt organization. There is a total of 76 rentable plots.
Board of Directors
The RVACG is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors who direct the organizations mission and day-to-day governance. The Board currently meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm either at Spring Green Community Church or in good weather the Gardens. Community gardeners and other interested people are encouraged to attend. Notices of Board meetings are circulated to the directors and the current gardeners via email. Public notices of meetings are posted as an event on the RVACG's Facebook page.
The members of the RVACG Board of Directors are as follows:
Sarah Alt, Director (Term: 23, 24, 25)
Calvin Butteris Responsibilities: Grounds and Maintenance (Term 24, 25)
Brad Dick (Term 24)
Chris Everett Responsibilities: Food Pantry Term: (24, 25, 26)
Rose Ellen Schneider, President, Duties / Registration Duties: Publicity, Facebook/ Web site administration; (Term: 22, 23, 24)
Marlon Tafs, Director Responsibilities: Grounds and Maintenance, Food Pantry (Term 23, 24, 25 )
Volunteers are always welcome to help with gardening tasks and harvesting the food pantry plots. If you are interested in volunteering your time towards the RVACG, please contact us via email at[email protected]
Legal Notice
River Valley Area Community Gardens, Incorporated (or "RVACG"), is a Wisconsin non-stock corporation operating a community garden site in Spring Green, Wisconsin. We are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law pursuant to section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code and Chapter 181 of Wisconsin State Statutes and Annotations.
The corporation's official address is:
River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc. P.O. Box 611 Spring Green, Wisconsin 53588