Deep Mulch Gardening and Edible Landscaping - How are things growing?)
Deep Mulch Gardens recycle cardboard, and leaves or old hay into a deep mulch that you plant directly into..
Deep Mulch Gardening and Edible Landscapeing - Getting Started
Come learn how to have a garden that has no tilling, no digging, and little weeding and little watering--all season. Plus, really healthy/productive plants.
The plants we eat are annuals, perennials and shrubs, just like the plants we decorate with. Combine edible and non-edible annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees in your landscape design and create a really beautiful yard that will be the envy of the neighborhood, not the scourge. Roger has designed an ornamental planting design themed "Formal & Fun" using all annual plants.
Roger explained how he filled the plot knee deep with straw and then watered it to rehydrate the straw. Rehydrating also contributed to the compacting of the straw. Plants and seeds were then planted in potting soil spread in the rehydrated straw. Roger then explained his edible landscape plan as part formal / part fun. Below are various views of Rogers garden plot as of June 29, 2022.
Roger Reynolds, Presenter and Designer
Roger Reynolds, Innovative Gardener/Sustainable Landscaper, Roger's motto: "LESS WORK--MORE FOOD, FLOWERS & FUN!!" grew up on a diversified farm, with a large vegetable garden and hated pulling weeds as a child. Roger has found a weed-free, low/no chemical way to garden. Permaculture Design, Organic Principles, Edible Landscaping, KISS (Keep It Simple, Sweetie), functional art, emulating nature and low-input/high output are key concepts Roger incorporates into his work. Roger delivers a down-to-earth, easy to understand presentation with a good bit of humor mixed in, yet information packed and science based